Friday, February 20, 2009

Winter Wonderland....or something

Did I mention I live in Wisconsin? And it is cold here all. the. time. And it snows here all. the. time. Like over 100 inches of snow last year. Craziness. My husband plows for the local school district, so I tend to be more of a single parent in winter. I don't know how single parents do it. My heart goes out to you all!! There isn't enough time in the day or wine in the cabinet for me to deal with the nonsense of winter around here. Trapped in the house because of the weather with no me time. Ever. I actually look forward to work because it means that I have at least a few hours of nobody saying mom over and over again. My husband leaves for work at 1am, gets home and goes to sleep for a few hours, eats dinner and it starts over again. No help putting the kiddos to bed. No one to distract Magoo for 15 minutes so i can make dinner. Nada. It is nonstop crazy go go go. So I salute all you single parents, and raise my wineglass in your general direction, because I have no idea how you do it. Kudos...and here is hoping for a fabulous day where nobody fights, everyone eats their veggies, and bedtime is a breeze!! :)

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